2014 Cass Benton Monday Night Doubles   August 20, 2014 at 9:16am

League Message

After reading the posts/rants about how things were run on monday, I have a few things to say:

1. Our max player cap is 60. No more. Period. Due to time/casuals/alternate layouts

2. Those who were turned away (there were at least 12) wouldve been out no matter what. There was a huge ace pool and people come early and often for those all over the state. Either u show up and I tell u its full cause i opened reg early to avoid a huge headache or u wait in a line for 25 min hoping to get in but dont. I thought I picked the best option for u the players.

3. I have consistently told people this year that I will not pre reg people who are not there in person. And ive stuck to that (with a few minor exceptions im sure). That said.....there are 3 staff members that make up cass dubs. These players will have a spot reserved for them no matter what. It is a privilege they have earned and it will not be disputed.

4. Cass dubs, like pretty much every other league in this state, is open to all players at all times. Doesn't matter if ur good or bad, u show up and theres an open spot ur in. Doesn't matter if uve played 2 leagues or 15, u show up and theres an open spot ur in. All this "ace poaching" and "protecting ace pools" talk is nonsense.

5. I hated turning people down but it had to be done.

6. I hope everyone had fun this summer competing at cass dubs as we continue to evolve this league in hopes of making it better for u the player. As always, ideas and criticisms are welcomed in the off-season. Please talk to me in person or text or personal message on dgs.

sheldon bowen   August 20, 2014 at 7:34am

Thank you for donating your time Phil it's greatly appreciated!

Scottie Reslock   August 20, 2014 at 8:05am

Phil you handled the situation perfectly. the ones who griped about how it went down either have not ran a league or have not run into a situation like that. Thanks for your all that you do!

samuel smith   August 20, 2014 at 8:57am

ffunny how the guy who posted the **** first had not even replied after his comment. Just started **** and left

Brett Piziali   August 20, 2014 at 10:24am

I'm not mad. bummed I missed out and Aced during the same time. but hay, I'm still happy I got my 5th ace regardless

Brett Russell   August 20, 2014 at 8:01pm

Puttimus laying down the law! Now that's what it's all about! I can't complain about having to bail on Monday, but it may be a wise decision to allow a 90%+ attendance person to early reg with guaranteed show as they have made the ace pool what it is and should have a shot at it eh?

Brett Russell   August 20, 2014 at 8:02pm

Says the man who has played 2 of many times this league......

Brett Russell   August 20, 2014 at 8:05pm

And that's how paperwork was made :)

Joe 'Dirt' LaPerna   August 21, 2014 at 3:01pm

Get em phil. You run the league. Not the players. Been 60 cap since he started this thing. Give the man, that does everything for us for the league, a break!

Michael Christian   August 22, 2014 at 5:51am

I got there at 4:07 and was too late. Lol.

Brett Russell   August 22, 2014 at 6:05pm

All is fair in love and war.... Love you! <3 Lol - We definitely appreciate all you do Phil.