24 Chains   September 21, 2011 at 11:08pm

Friday’s game Indy Lake, 5:30 Tee

This Friday will be our last Friday Night happy hour for the year and the people have chosen Chuck D to host our final night. We are chasing the sun so plan on playing a tad faster than usual and maybe smaller groups to ensure we have enough light to play.
We in the council would like to thank all those whom have come out and shared a laugh with us over the summer months. We have had some outstanding times and got to play alongside of some of Michigan’s finest player on some of the best courses. A big shout out to the Private course owners who opened their lands for us to pillage and plunder.
We are going to be making some minor “Tweaks” starting this winter to give a little more CHA to our regular program; this will include point’s series where we will be awarding 1st, 2nd and 3rd places points with possible multipliers for playing in blizzards, freezing temps and other absurd conditions.

More details to come from the Admiral and Kaptin Friday, till then.
