Thomas "T" D.  › DISC GOLF OR DIE   November 19, 2012 at 7:23am

THANK YOU DAN BROWN, VINCE EPKER AND DISC GOLF OR DIE FOR HOLDING THE CHRISTMAS FROM HOME TOURNEY AT LUNCHTIME TODAY!!! A HUGE SHOUT OUT AND THANK YOU TO THE GUYS AND GALS WHO CAME OUT WITH DONATIONS AND CASH FOR THE 541st F.S.T. CHRISTMAS DRIVE!! I knew that there would be support for this cause but no idea that it would be met with such positive input and such awesome generousity. At todays event, we raised approximately 10-12 shipping boxes of goodies. The thought and love put into these items was far and away more than I expected. I am also very pleased to announce that we raised $110 in cash to make sure the packages get to our Troops in time for Christmas!!! The Group Photo that was taken today will be enlarged, some very DGOD Christmas wishes added to it, framed and sent with the packages!! I am asking Bill to request some photos of the 541st during thier opening of the boxes we send. I will be posting the overseas address for the 541st in a day or two. I would ask that we all take a moment to send a holiday card or a short note of holiday wishes. I will also post a final tally of Christmas boxes in the coming days. Thank you again so much everybody!! For supporting what I thought is a very worth cause for some very deserving People who wont be home for Christmas....but will have a fantastic CHRISTMAS FROM HOME!!!! I appreciate all the love and the support. I know that there are 20 members of a Forward Surgical Team who do too.