Robert Adams  › Disc Fanatics of Kansas   July 11, 2012 at 8:31am

Alright everyone, I have some great news. The Moon Lake Disc Golf Course has received its final approval, and we're good to go for installing the course. So as of right now, we're gonna hit it hot and heavy this Saturday morning at 9:00 AM. As is stands now we have about 5-6 people already volunteering their time, trucks, and very appreciated labor. So if you feel like helping, we'll be meeting at the Fort Riley Conference Center at 9:00 AM to get under way. Depending on how many people show, the plan is to get at least the front 9 done. If we have enough people and we feel we can get the rest done without dying of heat stroke, we'll knock out the entire 18 in one day, which I feel might just be possible. All baskets at the Conference Center are already set in concrete bases, so it's just a matter of ripping those out of the ground, trucking em up to Moon Lake, and plopping em into the pre-drilled holes and adding a little cement in there to solidify the new placement. Feel free to bring anything you feel might help out. I'm sure we'll have to tweak a few of the drilled holes, so if anyone's got em, feel free to bring shovels, etc.

So to reiterate:
Who: You
What: Yourself, Tools, Workgloves, Good Looks, etc.
When: Saturday, 14 July 2012
Where: Fort Riley's Conference Center
Why: Install an AWESOME disc golf course

Hope to see you there!