Club Kensington Resurrection Sunday Doubles

April - September 2009 • Milford, Michigan
Doubles league

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Jeff Kaluk    June 6, 2009 at 8:23pm

More votes are in. Aaron B #2, Dave C #2, Jeff B #2, Bob J #2, Joe A #1

#1 - 8
#2 - 6
#3 - 3

keep voting.


Jeff Kaluk    June 6, 2009 at 5:19pm


Due to an unforscene series of events. Sunday Leagues are canceled for the next 2 weeks.

Sunday is the DGLO and most paid club members are attending and many league players.

Next weekend is th e AM Nats and many members are playing, cadding or spotting.

I have tried to find someone to run the leagues unsuccusfully. All staff members are comitted the next two weeks elsewhere. I encourage everyone to attend both the DGLO and AM Nats to support tw ... more


Joe Arnet    June 6, 2009 at 6:29am

i vote for #1 here


Jeff Kaluk    June 6, 2009 at 5:56am


1. If a cali players second drive is an ace, it counts towards the ace pool.

2. A second drive from a cali player, does not count towards the ace pool.

3. A cali player may pay an additional $2 towards ace pool (just like paying an extra $5 to recieve 100% payout vs. 50% payout of their finishing place), for their second drive to count towards ace pool.

Please, everyone vote if you have not already. Thanks.


Jeff Kaluk    June 6, 2009 at 5:54am

Cali ace pool is a hot subject. Andy, #1, $5 gets you 50% of the payout , $5 more gets you 100%. No one has ever questioned this. no one has ever paid just $5. One extra shot per hole. I have never heard of the second shot counting on a drive from the tee. Thanks Joe , #2, and Daemon #1. Thanks Todd for spelling #3 out a little better. Ryan M, #3, good point. Never heard of a cali ace. Yes there is an advantage. Everyone else pays for one throw or 24 total chances for an ace. A cali ... more


Scott Ransley    June 6, 2009 at 5:16am

I vote #1. Cali ace should be an ace. They should not have to pay into ace pool twice, because the cali will not always be using their cali shot on the tee (well maybe with an $800 ace pool they would, but that wont last forever).


Jeff Kaluk    June 6, 2009 at 4:32am

Sunday League is open. I will be there at 10:30. Please show up early. Cut off is 11:45am.
After talking it over with Andrew, we will not attend DGLO. It is not because of DGLO itself or the A3. We just dont feel it. I recomed if you can to attend DGLO. It is a wonderful tourny. I never anounced that leagues would be cancelled so those who signed up for DGLO did so assuming leagues would be open.


Andy Bawol    June 6, 2009 at 3:30am

if your gonna charge a double entry into the league to be cali and a double ace pool i would say the person that is cali gets two shots from each lie as well.......and both shots from the tee count towards the ace pool. ive never heard of the second shot not counting until this discussion came up.


Garrett Graham 4G's    June 6, 2009 at 12:44am

Heads up on the toboggan basket 7s lock was cut


Daemon Stahlin    June 5, 2009 at 11:59pm

no way. scorecard says 1 = hole in 1 = ace pool.


Joe Anttila    June 5, 2009 at 11:43pm

Cali Ace don't count. Card it 1 with a smile and hope for a better first shot next time.


Todd White    June 5, 2009 at 8:17pm

If you are counting a 'Cali' ace like any other, you need to have double payment to the ace pool as that particular person has double the amount of shots to hit the ace pool. The added benefit is if the Cali player parks the hole, they get a free run at the ace. I know with big ace pools like this 'teams' will offer to split the pot so that someone gets close, the other player gets the free run without the first person feeling like they are giving something away.
I vote for #3.


Ryan McMann    June 5, 2009 at 7:25pm

1 all day. I think #3 would be alright if it was a reoccurring issue, but I personally have never heard of a cali ace in any of our local leagues. Your chances for an ace are better, but the chances are still pretty slim. Has anyone on the scene ever bagged a Cali ace in league play, or know of one?


Ryan Tibbetts    June 5, 2009 at 7:03pm

I like number one if they are paying another five for that second shot. They get a second shot, they are the second player in the team, so they should be paying 10 plus the 2 for the ace pool. I also would go to leagues but no biggie...just post that its canceled if it is...thanks


Jeff Kaluk    June 5, 2009 at 5:55pm

Dave, its all good. I think the vote will go either #1 or #3. I try my best to make sure this league is adequately run. Check out the rules I posted and let me know if any ludicrousness is introduced or if anything should be added. Thanks.


Dave Milewski    June 5, 2009 at 4:56pm

Jeff, glad to see it's at least going up for vote. As you may already know, I vote for option number 1. It's a big ace pool. At Cass, we would always tell the AMs that if they wanted to flip for Cali then they had to move up to Pro. It worked well. This is a major advantage of having Cali and always has been. Park your first shot, then put the next one in. Shenanigans.


Jesse Cahill    June 5, 2009 at 3:37pm

1 for sure, Cali shots should always count for the cash. & I don't think you should have to pay into the ace pool twice.


Andy Bawol    June 5, 2009 at 3:16pm

i know of a few people that planned on showing up sunday, but i can understand the DGLO thing, there is always that other course i could play.....


norm raby    June 5, 2009 at 2:13pm

i vote number 3 and i cant make it to dglo so ide like to play leagues but ide say walkin with andrew would be more important. GO ANDREW kick ass lil man


Jeff Kaluk    June 5, 2009 at 9:23am

Question. Who is showing up Sunday?? I know DGLO is Sunday and I am intrested in playing.or walking with Andrew. I see many regulars are playing DGLO so I am wondering if I need not to go to DGLO and run leagues or go to DGLO and cancel Leagues till the following week.
