Roswell Disc Golf Club

Est. 2008

59 following

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Paul Grice    July 12, 2021 at 12:56am

The Disc Golf of Georgia club of the week and the #7 disc golf club in Georgia on Disc Golf Scene (sorted by popularity) is Roswell Disc Golf Club.
Here's how it works - I am asking Roswell Disc Golf Club to post and comment about their city, county, club, course and members - on Disc Golf of Georgia facebook group! Also to post pics and videos etc. Of course if you are not a member but have played disc golf there please post or comment.
The Disc Golf of Georgia club of the week is Roswel ... more


Paul Grice    February 7, 2021 at 4:12pm

This week and for the next few weeks I want to highlite the top cities!

This week's Disc Golf of Georgia's TOP City of the Week is Roswell,
Ga. Roswell is the #10 city in Disc Golf of Georgia's facebook
group (according to the group insights (statistics)) with 36

I'd like to invite more members and ask you to invite more or your
fella disc golfers from the city of Roswell, East Roswell disc
golf course and Roswell Disc Golf page to join Disc Golf of
Georgia. Just click this link

Congratulations and thank you!

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