New Jersey Disc Devils

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Bob Graham    December 15, 2015 at 9:01pm

Hi Greg,
I wasn't the one behind this, so my info is mostly second hand.
It was proposed when the then mayor wanted a legacy of a music festival and pushed to remove a public golf course for the purpose.
The land use was sought by a lot of groups and we made a very good presentation to get approved.
Money was earmarked and a design was made.
The county delayed and delayed. Money went away.
A person came forward and offered financial support to the course install in exchange for n ... more

Greg Bikofsky   December 15, 2015 at 10:13pm

Thank you for the information Bob, I have some energy, and the thought of having a place to play that is 15 minutes from where I live is a motivator. I am curious why they delayed and rejected the proposal from the person who offered to pay for it. Could you tell me who that person was. I would like ... more

Greg Bikofsky    December 15, 2015 at 7:31pm

Does anyone know anything about this??? There was a push to put an 18 hole DG course in Oak Ridge Park in Clark NJ about 5 years ago. A friend told me that this was still in the works. Does anyone know the status of it?

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